11 June 2010

Study Update #2: Skirting Boards

Another 'feature' of the original work to enclose the porch was that they didn't put in any skirting boards ... I can't think of the American word for them. Skirting boards are the boards that go around the edge of a room at the bottom of the wall where it meets the floor. Here's the 'before' picture.
On Tuesday, Richard the Carpenter put skirting boards in the study.
You can also see that Carl the Electrician has worked his magic. Originally, there was a single power point in each room, with two in my bedroom and the lounge room (living room). As a Gadget Girl in the 21st century, how can I be expected to live like that? A Geneva Convention violation, surely.

Carl the Electrician has now installed a double power point (2-plug electrical socket) on each wall of each room in the unit (except for the bathroom), with a total of 4 double power points in the office. I only hope that is enough ...

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